Paganism and Christianity in the 8th Century Bulgarian Empire. Under the vast, star-dappled sky of the 8th century Bulgarian Empire, the wind whispered tales of clashing deities and murmured prayers to a singular God. In this crucible of faiths, paganism, rooted deep...
Belize International Film Festival
Cinematic Celebration of Culture and Diversity. Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, Belize is a country overflowing with natural beauty, cultural richness, and vibrant stories. It is also home to a thriving film industry, which is celebrated annually at the Belize...
Manco Cápac
The Legendary Founder of the Kingdom of Cuzco. Manco Cápac was a legendary figure in Inca history, credited with founding the city of Cuzco and establishing the Inca Empire. He was born in the early 13th century, and he is said to have died in the early 14th...
Mississippian City Cahokia
Rise and Fall. Cahokia was a large Mississippian city located in present-day Illinois. It was one of the largest cities in North America at the time of its peak, with a population of up to 40,000 people. Cahokia was founded around 700 CE and reached its peak of power...

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